Objective: Learn how to create and publish a call for expressions of interest on the UN Partner Portal.
Requirement: Be an Advanced Editor.
Download article for step-by-step guide
- Click on the “Partnership Opportunities” on the left navigation panel.
- Click on “New CFEI” button.
Project Title
- Enter a project Title in the “Project Title” field and scroll down.
- Enter a location keyword in search bar recommendations shows down your country names and click on the country.
- Pin your location on the map.
Please note you need to use your curso(mouse) to pin a location in the map after selecting the country
Focal Points
- Scroll Down and Select Project Focal Points in field by clicking dropdown icon Focal point list will be shown and select anyone in a list.
Please note the only Advanced Editors can be selected as Focal points so only Advanced Editors will be shown in the selection box
Sectors and Areas of Specialization
- Select the “Sector(s) and area(s) of specialization by clicking dropdown.
Project Background, Expected results, Budget and Other Information
- Enter Project Background and Expected Results and enter other optional details (if any).
Deadlines and Concept Note
- Select “Deadlines” date by clicking date icons in the field or by enter manually in date fields.
- Select “Concept Note Template” type in next section.
Please note:
* Clarification deadline is the last day on which the partner is able to ask for clarification
* Application deadline is the last day on which the partner is able to apply for this CFEI
* The partner does not to way the Clarification deadline to pass in order to apply
- Clarification Deadline has to happen Application Deadline
- Application Deadline has to happen before Notification of results
- Notification of results has to happen before Estimated Start Date
- Estimated Start Date has to happen before Estimated End Date
- Upload a document by clicking “SELECT A FILE” and enter a description (if any). User wants to upload another document click on “+ ADD NEW”.
Selection Criteria
- Select the “Selection Criteria “weighting relevant to the project and select the Criteria and click on SAVE button.
- “Sum of all weights must be equal to 100”.
Invitation of partners and CFEI created
- A new Call for Expressions of Interest was created. If you would like to invite specific partners registered in the portal to apply for the CFEI, enter their names below, and they will receive an e-mail notification. You can also skip this step.”
CFEI Overview and Publish CFEI
- User can view the Overview of created CFEI and click on “PUBLISH” button, this CFEI will be publicly viewable to all.
- Confirm to publish this CFEI pop up window show click on “PUBLISH” button to publish.